Monday, February 23, 2015

A recap of Monday and Sunday......the problem with not weighing or measuring your food.

The past two days have been a bit hectic.  I was busy last night getting dinner cooked and then prepping lunches.  Plus there was laundry to fold and kids to play with.  That’s the story of my life J and I wouldn’t have it any other way.  I ate well both days.  I made meatloaf last night.  I probably should have weighed my serving.  I probably ate 8 oz. of it.  It was really good though.  Hence, this is another one of my food issues.  I tend to over eat, not because I’m hungry, but because the food is really tasty.  The same thing happened tonight.  I made a leg of lamb in the crockpot and it was ridiculously delicious.  Again, I over ate.  I really need to stick to weighing and measuring and paying attention to serving sizes.  I do much better when I’m not eating on a hungry stomach.  Both yesterday and today I was starving.  Yesterday’s excuse was because we were out all afternoon shopping.  I packed up all snacks for the trip.  We had bananas, apples, grapes, snap pea snacks, and almonds.  We ate breakfast around 8:30.  Ate the snacks around noonish and ate the last of them around 3.  I didn’t want to go out for lunch, so we just snacked on what I brought.  By the time we got home around 5, I was a bit ravenous, as were the rest of the gang.  We snacked on rotisserie chicken before the meatloaf was done.  As for today, I didn’t get to eat my lunch.  I only have one planning period and it was shorter than normal because we had a 1 hour delay.  I was busy prepping for my afternoon group.  I ended eating my salad at 3 p.m.  I really can’t do that again.  By the time I got home from tutoring at 6:45 p.m. I was about to eat the entire leg of lamb myself.  Turned out I wasn’t as hungry as I thought because I didn’t finish my lamb or my veggies or my salad.  I ate a lot of it, but I have leftovers for lunch.  The real question is:  how much meat did I really eat?  Tomorrow night we are having chicken so I’ll make sure I measure it out.  That’s the plan.  I know people don’t always like to measure out their portions, but it’s really the only way if we know we are either overeating or cheating ourselves out of calories we should be taking in. 

I still haven’t finished reading the Blood Sugar Solution.  I’ve read a lot about the actual meal planning itself, but not enough to know what exactly Dr. Hyman is proposing.  But, what I do know is this.  The day Aunt Flo comes to visit is torturous.  The day after isn’t much better.  I felt like poo on Sunday too, just in a different way. 
The third day I have a boat load of energy.  So, all is good. 

I’m hoping tomorrow’s dinner will be better in terms of measuring.  I feel like that’s where I fall apart at night.  I do fine all day, but come dinner time, I’m a wreck.  I need to break that habit.  That is definitely one that is engrained in the sugar addict brain of mine.   

1 comment:

  1. You probably need to eat more at breakfast and lunch. I think the cereal at breakfast te is not your best option. I know you can't eat eggs but you need morning protein and some veggies. Stephanie hated an awesome recipe for pork and apple sausage patties which u make all th time and just warm up for morning time and you could make egg cups with your egg beaters and chopped veggies (mix and pour into well greased muffin tins and bake). After fasting all night, your body needs protein and vital nutrients to start the metabolism going again. Larger meals for breakfast and lunch will really help you with dinner!
