Saturday, February 14, 2015

Proof is in the ketchup....

it was Heinz 57 that caused inflammation in my right shoulder and pain that came on so sudden and to such a degree that I was visibly uncomfortable.  You wonder what I mean by this.  Read on to see how bad hidden ingredients, or not so hidden ingredients, are for my body.

I had been eating "clean" for 3 1/2 weeks.  I eliminated all sugar (real and artificial), all gluten, all potatoes, rice, and whole corn, and 99% of all dairy. (I cheat and put about a tablespoon of processed shredded cheddar cheese on my egg beaters.  And I use parmesan cheese on my zucchini fries.)  I had been careful with reading the ingredient list on everything I was buying and eating.  I eliminated a bunch of food from the house that I knew contained sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and gluten.  We have two pantries.  One is a very large walk-in pantry and the other one is a large double door closet style pantry.  I cleaned out the pantries and donated a boatload of food to our school food pantry and then gave away all of our opened food like pancake mixes, bbq sauces, etc.... to a local family I'm tutoring for.  All of our food now fits solely in the closet pantry and in our kitchen cabinets.  The huge walk-in pantry now houses all of my kitchen equipment.  There's also plenty of room in the closet pantry.  Nearly everything we buy now goes in the fridges or the freezers.  We have two refrigerators, one in the garage and one in the kitchen (duh).  

One of our favorite quick meals in the past was Sloppy Joes.  I had donated our canned mixes the week before, but really was in the mood for them this past Monday.  I found a recipe online and the only thing I'd need to eliminate was the 2 tbsp of brown sugar it called for.  No problem, right?  Think again.  

I call Molly on my way home from my tutoring job and tell her to brown the ground turkey, and chop up some onions and green peppers, and make a garden salad so when I got home we could make the mix quick and eat within 5 minutes.  We had a busy night of back to back basketball practices and Joe was away on business for the week.  I walked in the door and looked up the recipe again and it called for minced garlic, 3/4 cup ketchup, a dash of Worcestershire sauce, 2 tbsp of brown sugar, 1 tsp Dijon mustard, salt and pepper to taste, and 1 cup of water.   So, I tell her to get all the stuff out, sans the brown sugar.  She ran out of ketchup and needed some more.  I grabbed a bottle of Heinz 57 from my supply in the pantry and looked at the ingredient list for the first time in my entire life.  I had NO FREAKING CLUE that high fructose corn syrup and corn syrup were the 2nd and 3rd ingredients in ketchup.  I told her to just use it and I'd go shopping later in the week to see if there is a HFCS free ketchup in market.  It wasn't a big deal, so I thought.  We ate a few minutes later and we headed off to basketball with my book in hand, papers to grade, and reports to write.  This was about 6:45 p.m.

At 8:30 p.m. I'm sitting in the gym with my book and I notice an all to familiar pain come on in my right shoulder.  It's this stabbing, throbbing pain under my shoulder blade.  If I can imagine what arthritis feels like, it's this nagging, painful ache.  It doesn't stop and radiates into my back and neck. I can literally point to the exact location on my back where the pain is starting from under my shoulder blade.  Of course, my first thought was, what the heck did I do to my shoulder?  All I have been doing for the past hour and a half is sitting around working on reports, my grade book, and reading.  What the heck could I have done?  Then it dawned on me!  It had to have been the HFCS from the ketchup that caused this inflammation.  I want to add that I had absolutely ZERO, AND I MEAN ZERO, pain in my body for about 2 weeks.  On a scale from 1 - 10 my pain was a one.  My pain, not even 2 hours after eating the ketchup loaded with HFCS was a 4.  This stuff is for real!  

I got home that night and researched HFCS in Dr. Mark Hyman's book, The Blood Sugar Solution.  Check this exert out from his book:  
"High doses of fructose (HFCS) have been proven to literally punch holes in the intestinal lining, allowing nasty by-products of toxic gut bacteria and partially digested food proteins to enter your bloodstream and trigger INFLAMMATION.  Naturally occurring     
fructose in fruit is part of a complex web of nutrients and  fiber and doesn't exhibit the same biological effects as the high fructose found in corn sugars." page 80.
SAY WHAT?!!!!!  I literally practically fell out of bed!  I didn't need any more proof than this.  I have clearly experienced this myself that evening.  And, it's part of what I had been experiencing all the times before.  I literally poisoned my body Monday night by ingesting HFCS.  Hello, that shit pokes holes in your intestinal lining!  No wonder why I've been suffering from so much muscle and joint pain since I was in my 20's.  (Ironically, it'd get better when I was eating healthier ....some of the time, but not all of the time.)  And we wonder why cancer rates are so freaking high in America?!  The standard American diet is loaded with HFCS and all the other crap that does the same exact freaking thing.  Maybe if we didn't poison our body with foods that POKE HOLES IN OUR INTESTINES WHICH ALLOW ALL THAT SHIT (LITERALLY) TO FLOOD OUR BLOODSTREAM, maybe our cancer rates would go down.  

My shoulder pain still isn't 100% gone.  It's been about a 2 the past two days.  It's a dull annoyance at this point, but it's still present.  

Thank you God for opening my mind to finally listen to my body.  I'm grateful for your love and for not giving up on me.  I pray that through my own experiences and sharing this with my friends and family I can help someone who is experiencing the same pain (emotionally and/or physically) that I have been.

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