Sunday, February 15, 2015

The boy who can't wait to move out! Amen!

We had an interesting trip to the grocery store tonight.  I needed to run in to grab fresh vegetables for a veggie soup I plan on making tomorrow for lunch.  Joe and the kids enjoyed hunting for new things to put in the soup such as spaghetti squash, eggplant and this odd tropical squash called a chayote.  It looks like a wrinkled bum according to Maggie.  We headed over to the canned tomato aisle to grab some diced tomatoes for the soup base.  Joe was shocked to see that some of the brands had corn syrup in the ingredients.  He was even more surprised when we went down the salad dressing aisle.  He couldn’t believe how many of them had HFCS, corn syrup and sugar as one of the top three ingredients.  What the heck is HFCS doing in Greek salad dressing????? 

We hit the cereal aisle to get some Rice Chex.  It’s gluten free and HFCS free, but it does have a tad bit of sugar.  It’s the third ingredient on the list, but the nutrition label says there are only 2 grams of sugar in a 1 cup serving.  I still bought it because it seems so low.  I plan on doing some research on the sugar levels. 

Molly was super excited to find Quinoa granola bars.  She loves granola bars and thought these would be a perfect alternative.  We looked at the ingredient list and there were at least 25 ingredients.  Most of them we couldn’t even pronounce.  I didn’t even bother looking at the nutrition label after seeing the enormous list of frankenfood ingredients.  It was smart advertising on the company’s part because Quinoa was in huge letters across the front.  It certainly would have fooled me in the past. 

Bennett announced in the dairy aisle, loud enough for everyone to hear, that he can’t wait to grow up and move out of our house.  I told him I can’t wait either so I don’t have to pay for his healthy food anymore or pay him an allowance for doing a few meager chores.  The way I look at it, maybe this whole eating healthy, real foods and not buying frankenfoods will make my kids be even more independent and motivated so they can move out at a young age.  This is a total win-win situation!  Apparently, he is still struggling with being told no.  It’s weird because he’s always been the one to eat better than the rest of us.  But, now that there is no junk in the house (especially bread) he’s starting to rebel some.  It just so happened in the dairy section today in front of a dozen people.   It made me happy to point out that it’s a pity that we are only buying real, whole foods for our family and not all the premade crap in the freezer sections.  What a pity that my son has a mom who is working her butt off to provide foods that are good for him.  LOL

On a different note, I slept horrible last night.  I’ve been unmotivated all day.  I think my allergy attack last night and the epinephrine shot did me in.  I’m hoping tonight I can get a good night sleep.

Food Log                 Weigh-in this morning:  218.0 

6:00 a.m.  Hot black tea

8:00 a.m. Breakfast: 1 cup grits with ½ cup blackberries and ½ cup strawberries.  water to drink

11:00 a.m.  Snack:  carrots and ¼ cut organic hummus

1:00 p.m.  Lunch:  1 cup homemade chicken salad made with leftover rotisserie chicken and ½ tbs of real mayonnaise, 1 serving veggie straws, water to drink

4:00 p.m.  Snack:  apple

7:45 p.m.  Dinner:  1 ½ cup homemade venison chili with organic salsa, canned diced tomatoes, dark kidney beans and homemade chili seasoning.  It was freaking amazing!!!  1 serving (10 chips) Food Should Taste Good Tortilla chips.  1 tbsp shredded cheddar cheese.  Drink:  2 cups unsweetened vanilla almond milk


  1. Kids always fight back against things thy know are good for them. They don't always want to brush their teeth but we still make them. Stick to your guns, some battles are worth it!
